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International Teaching Certifications

Completing Specialization Modules

When you consider improving your skills in high-demand areas of ESL teaching, you will gain the competitive advantage as compared to other teachers applying for jobs in this field. Taking specialization modules allows you to:

  • Be qualified to teach more and different ESL courses.
  • Earn higher pay and meet some parents. specific needs for tutors.
  • Gain additional experience and understanding by teaching ESL abroad.

Teaching Business English Module

For teachers who complete this module, you will enhance your Teacher Training Certificate in ESL and find additional ESL jobs abroad where you can teach business English.

English is the global language of our planet.a full 75 percent of all websites on the Internet are written in English, as well as a similar number of online communications like emails, and other digital messages are in English as well. English is the official language of the Olympic Games, and the World Trade Organization meets, communicates, and publicizes in English, even though many representatives are from non-English speaking countries. These are some of the reasons why ESL teachers are in such demand. Teaching overseas, and teaching business English is a good opportunity to educate prospective leaders and tomorrow.s business owners about how to effectively speak in the global language. When you specialize in Business English, you will have the needed knowledge and training to teach adults to correspond, communicate, and fully function within a global economy.

Certification Module

A 150-hour additional course in TESL/TEFL/TESOL is usually required to specialize in Business English.


Completion of the Oxford Seminars' TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certification Course

Background Needed

There are no previous background requirements and no specific business knowledge is necessary.


The specialization module for Teaching Business English costs only $399 including all course materials, shipping and handling, instructor feedback and marking of assignments.

An additional discount of $100 is available if you enroll in a specialization module less than two weeks after finishing the TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certification.


The specialization module is a 90-hour online course that is to be finished within three months' time.


Upon completion of the Teaching Business English specialization module, you will:

  • Gain a thorough understanding of the theory and practice of teaching business English in a classroom.
  • Scrutinize case studies and learn practical teaching lessons.
  • Know how to train your students to be cool and confident when speaking in group settings or over the telephone.
  • Have good understanding of business subjects important in an ESL classroom.
  • Learn how and where useful teaching resources can be found.
  • Understanding challenges faced by adult learners, and business English in general.
  • How to design icebreakers and motivate students using communicative teaching.
  • Case studies of common difficulties business English teachers may encounter.
  • How to design and execute business English lesson plans.
  • How to educate written and verbal language skills in business English.
  • Methods of teaching important business English vocabulary.
  • Tactics for deciding upon and using business English resources.

You must complete reading assignments, examine lesson plans, and write three unit tests.

  • Online Platform

The online course and all materials are included in the price of $399.

Employment Opportunities

Teachers who undertake the additional specialization in business English after earning their certification in TESOL/TESL/TEFL possess theoretical knowledge and skills to put into practice that are required by today.s ESL students. These business professionals can effectively communicate and speak, read, and write in English. This module allows you to teach top business executives, CEOs, and managers, as well as other business people abroad.


Science Graduate Certificates

New online teaching certificates are available through Global Leadership College to help help science teachers gain competence in one of the following five specific areas. A 90-hour certificate program will qualify you to teach a new subject, stay abreast of changes in your field, or help you achieve "highly qualified" status.

Science Subjects

These science subject areas are available for study through Global Leadership College:

  • Life Science
  • Earth Science
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
Program Features
  • Each certificate is offered by MSU Extended University, which is the creator of the National Teachers Enhancement Network. NTEN has been provided high-quality science classes online since 1993.
  • Teachers with all backgrounds can earn a science certificate, and the other students will be K-12 teachers, community college professors, informal science teachers, and museum fellows. You will learn from peers globally and absorb fresh perspectives.
  • Course content is rigorous and specially designed for teachers.
  • Instructors are subject experts and have been specially trained in online teaching.
  • One hundred percent of courses are done online, and the certificate can be earned completely at home, without ever visiting a campus.
  • You can work as fast or slow as you like, and you also have access to courses 24 hours a day. Instructors set weekly course schedules to facilitate interaction among students.
  • One on one support from the program team is available from the time of application through certification.
Science Teaching Certificate

This is a high-energy course that will help you learn much more about content and teaching science, while also increasing your confidence. The program covers science as a whole and is used to strengthen current knowledge.